Friday, December 17, 2010

Nova and Supernova

Nova and Supernova

Nova means a new star, it is called like that because that star is formerly not observable, then it appears and its light is very bright. The result of research of astronomers shows that Nova and Supernova are not new stars, but they are exploded star so they discharge very bright light.

The first event of Nova was happened on July 4th, 1054, in era Sung dynasty in China. In that era, it is seen a very bright star, so it can be seen in the daylight. Note shows that star lies in constellation of Taurus.

After two years, the star is not seen. Since the creation of modern telescope that is equipped by detectors devices, astronomers see a developing fog in the former place of Nova and Supernova are formed in year 1054. this fog is called crab fog. An American astronomer named Virgima Trimble measured that crab fog developed of velocity 1450 km/sec. he also can predict that all of fog united in their center of about 900 years ago. By using radio telescope is known, that crab fog is strong emitter of radio news.

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