Tuesday, December 14, 2010



Constellation is a group of star that its amount is a little and usually given names base on their shapes.
We have already known names such us Scorpio, Librana and so on. Those names often we find in the column of horoscope in magazine or newspaper. That name is actually the name of constellation. The number of constellation that lies near to Earth is 12. besides names of those constellations, there are still another names such as: Ursa Major Constellation (big bear), Gemini constellation (the twin child), Hercules constellation (man of half god). The number of all constellations found by astronomers is 88.

Usually the name of constellation is taken from the name of figure in ancient legend. But every nation imagines the figure formed by that group of star according to their own imagination. For example Scorpio constellation is imagined by people of ancient Greek as Scorpion star.

Basically constellation in universe is found in two places:

1. in south hemisphere of celestial sphere

Consist of Centaurus (involves stars of Alpha Centauri and Betha Cenaturi), Virgo (that involves Spica star), Argo (involves Canopus star), Canis Major (involves Sirius star), and Orion (involves stars of Rigel and Waluku)

2. In north hemisphere of celestial sphere

Consists of constellation of Ursa Major, Aurigia (involves Capella star), Leo (involves Regulus star), Bootes (involves Arcturus star), Libra (involves Wega star), and Siginis (involves Deneb star).

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