Thursday, February 10, 2011

Metamorphic Rock

Metamorphic Rock

Metamorphic rocks are rocks produced from the conversion of the original rocks as a result of a metamorphic process, that is a process in which is undergone by the original rocks as a result of the pressure and temperature which are higher simultaneously.

Metamorphic rocks can be classified as follows:

1. Termic metamorphic rock
Termic metamorphic rock is a rock formed because of the rise of temperature. For example, lime stone formed because the influence of a high temperature so it becomes liquid, then after undergoing cooling process that lime stone changes to be marble stone.

2. Dynamic metamorphic rock
Dynamic metamorphic rock is a rock formed as the result of pressure from the layer above it in a long time. This dynamic metamorphic rock is called kinetic metamorphic rock. For example, writing stone that comes from clays, that get pressure from the layer above it.

3. pneumolici contact metamorphic rock
pneumolici contact metamorphic rock is a rock formed as the result of rise of temperature followed the insertion of elements of another rocks (another substances).
For example: quartz in its metamorphic process is inserted borium element, will produce an kind of pearl stone called tourmaline, while if the additive element is fluorium, will produce topaz, a kind of pearl that has yellow color.

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